Posted on January 1, 2024.

One of the joys of Christmas day is receiving the gifts that have been thoughtfully selected by those we love. Christmas morning surprise and elation are part of the festivities—and rightly so!
The gift-giving tradition is traced back to the gold, frankincense and myrrh of the wise men--valuable gifts freely bestowed on the infant Emmanuel. Perhaps the best gifts of our lives are the ones that are free:
The gift of life;
The free gift of salvation and adoption by the Almighty God, Abba;
The gift of the Holy Spirit and the gifts the Holy Spirit bestows;
The gifts of time, health, healing and happiness;
The gift of love; The gift of sharing God's love with children and youth.
Front Step shares the love and message of Jesus Christ freely. For example, in the past two weeks, Front Step has given out tons of good clothing and thousands of dollars worth of new toys. All free!
Jesus gives freely to all humanity the very best of all: His very own life! Thank YOU for making this vital ministry possible! YOUR gifts bring divine blessing to children, youth and families who are deeply grateful for God’s loving presence in these troubled times!
Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Friends!
A blessed and very Merry Christmas to YOU!
From Pastor Wes, Volunteers and Families of Front Step