Our Annual Congregation Meeting
Our Annual Congregation Meeting was held Sunday Jan. 24th following Morning Worship with Ten members and two non-members attending. The budgets were approved which where basically the same as last year . We did fall short of our budget this past year which was made up by our investments. Pastor Geoff gave a Pastor’s Report on the past year. We remain “small, but mighty.” The Holland Bible Church was one of the few churches still meeting through the Covid19 pandemic, since all agreed that it is important to meet and worship together. He said it has been an honor to serve this congregation and is always open to suggestions. Bible Studies are continuing. He still participates in the American Legion and Frenchtown activities. Pastor performed one non-member funeral last year and a wedding, Randy Wedderman and Deb Austin, is coming up in March. Mike Hooper and Harry Taylor were nominated to serve as elders. Rae Taylor, Marilyn Trippeda and Joan LeVine were nominated to serve as deacons. Jamie Travers and Henry Marsteller were nominated to serve as congregational members of the Nominating Committee. Mike Hooper and Henry Marsteller were nominated to serve on the Audit Committee. The nominations were closed and they were declared duly elected. Mike Hooper has taken over the exterminator work, and Isaac Stanley has ably served as our organist –while doing his Eagle Scout project, we have two new housekeepers, Alycia and Joslyn Hooper. Most us us know how much Geoff likes his Classic Vintage cars, at the end of the meeting, the congregation presented a card and gift certificate to him for Advanced Auto in gratitude for his continued service and enthusiasm.