HYMN for OCT. 2017
This is not a hymn but a love song from the early 1960's. After reading an article about it I was reminded how God will use what ever avenue to comfort someone. We may never know how he might use us or the Church to reach someone. Make sure you read to the end. Some of us elderly might remember the song "Paul and Paula". It was #1 on the charts for three weeks in Feb. 1963, written by Jay Hildebrand "Paul and sung by him and Jill Jackson, "Paula". They met in college where Jill had a 15 min. radio program on KEAN and Ray was writing songs and singing with a group called "The Prisoners" They really hit it off and Jill asked Ray to be her duet partner. The song came about when Ray was asked by a friend to write a song for his girl friend. After performing it on KEAN, the stations phones lit up. It prompted Jill's mom to search for a producer. The song "Paul and Paula" became an overnight hit. They became celebrities, toured the world making more money than they ever dreamed of. They even closed a show in London bumping an up coming group The Beatles. John, Paul, George and Ringo asked for their autograph. The duo was short lived however, Ray got homesick and returned to college and married his girl friend. They later moved to Kansas City where Ray helped pioneer the contemporary Christian music genre. Jill married and moved to California. Ray and Jill remained friends for over 50 years and occasionally performed together and are often reminded of the staying power of their one time hit. Heres an account of one of those times. "Sometime in 2005, at an oldies gig held at a Fort Worth country club. the band took a break, and we went to the autograph table," Ray says "Many people lined up except for one couple who stood off to the side. They waited so they could be the last in line. Finally, they stood in front of us and the woman, through her tears, told us what our little song met to her as a teen in 1963. She was from a broken home---not much love---and her life was ripped apart, except when she was home alone in her room and 'Hey, Paula' came on the radio. It was a song about love, staying together, planning together and wishing together. Needless to say, we all cried and hugged and thanked God" Hey, hey, Paula, I wanna marry you...... Hey, hey, hey, Paul, I wanna marry you too..... Our love will always be real..... My love, my love