June 2018

Posted on June 10, 2018.

How swiftly the days pass!  As we enter the month of June, we approach the halfway point of 2018.  We hope the first part of the year has brought some happiness, even if peppered with the occasional moments of pain, sadness or anxiety.   

The weather in May finally ended up with warmth, and even with occasional sunny days.  At the end of the month, we actually got a preview of summer, complete with excessive humidity.

With heat and humidity, or just a warm sun, comes a feeling of relaxation from the tedium and tensions of school and work.  We throw a mental switch from winter survival to enthusiastic pursuit of fun and creativity.  

As always, we have no idea what the future holds, but this is surely the season we most look forward to with plans and optimism.  On the other hand, perhaps it would be well to look backward briefly.  To reach this point of anticipation, we’ve had to come through the long winter months, a spring with weather temptations and disappoint-ments; and now we have a need to re-focus.  In looking back, we come to realize how much the Lord has been omnipresent in our lives each day.  Through the happiness, through the moments of pain, sadness and anxiety.  This is the awareness that best prepares us for this season and for seasons to come.  This is the awareness that gives us a thankful heart for past blessings.  This awareness gives us trust in the future.  And this awareness gives us peace for each day as we live it.  

Enjoy this month of June and give God the glory.           Virginia

                      “Yet I am always with you;
                       you hold me by my right hand.”
                                             Psalm 73:23